offers - next to services - also several products in the area of online communications. Are you in need of a standard web writing guide for your organization, or a content calendar template for the new year? Or maybe you are interested in the flexible prepaid card for services? Check out the products below. also develops products upon request, so feel free to get in touch.

Web writing guide
The standard Web writing guide of can be used within your own organization. Its contents are based on scientific research in the areas of writing, usability and search engine optimization. The Web writing guide consists of choices, explanations, tips and links to more information. Of course you can also use this web writing guide for offline texts. The writing guide is a pdf file the price is 249 euro ex VAT.
(free for current clients!)
Prepaid card
Do you temporarily need extra hands with managing your website? For instance because you have a sick employee? Buy the flexible prepaid card of! You can add a specific amount of hours to the card and pay in advance. The hours can be used up during the calendar year you bought it in. Very handy during vacation periods, if employees are on sick leave of in extra busy moments in the year. The prepaid card can be bought for (copy) writing, content management, (functional) management of your online community or your LinkedIn page.
Custom products
Are you in need of a custom product like a content calendar template specific to your branche? Feel free to contact and discuss your needs.

“The key to success, is to start before you’re ready.”
Marie Forleo