The Healthcare Institute Netherlands has hired Content chick as their Social Media Specialist for the campaign ‘Zo werkt Samen beslissen’ (‘This is how shared decision making works’). The Zorginstituut is sharing the results of 16 projects from the subsidy scheme shared decision making (Stimuleringsregeling Samen beslissen). The social media campaign will give extra attention to these projects.
Shared decision making
Shared decision making in healthcare means that doctor and patient will decide about the best course of action together. Based on the values of a certain treatment: value based healthcare. In combination with the patient wishes. Shared decision making makes healthcare better and more affordable. That’s why the Zorginstituut subsidises projects from healthcare professionals and patients that stimulate shared decision making. These projects are focused on learning to use the data from value based healthcare to benefit shared decision making. This campaign focuses on the interviews with patients and doctors. You can follow the campaign with the hashtag #zowerktsamenbeslissen on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Campaign #zowerktsamenbeslissen
Most people know by now what shared decision making is. But how do you do it? That seems to still be an issue for patients and healthcare organizations. The more people know how you can make shared decisions, the more patients wishes and quality of life will be taken into account. That’s why it’s important to reach the target audience with this campaign: (medical) professionals and patients. Shared decision making will make sure the chosen treatment is better suited, and in return it will make healthcare more affordable. Because sometimes you choose not to get treatment, or only a treatment with proven results.
What did do for the campaign #zowerktsamenbeslissen?
To make sure sharing the campaign information is easy for everyone related to the projects, I helped the Zorginstituut make content for the toolkit. The toolkit consists of:
- Text examples for social media
- a content calendar
- a couple of images
I also advised them on the use of social media for this campaign.

Share & like
The Zorginstituut and the Knowledge platform Value Based Healthcare will share the content from the toolkit on their social media accounts. Follow:
- Zorginstituut Nederland on LinkedIn
- Zorginstituut Nederland on Twitter
- Platform Value Based Health Care on LinkedIn
and share or like the content while using hashtag #zowerktsamenbeslissen.
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